To offset the impact developers have on wetlands, we offer the plant materials and services needed for the restoration or enhancement of wetlands and the herbaceous upland ground cover surrounding them. We use fire adapted perennial native grasses and wildflowers that are the basis for a robust forest system. These plants provide food and cover for birds, mammals, and pollinators and fine fuels for regular burning which keeps the ecosystem thriving.
Visit our project gallery to see previous restoration projects.

For more information call 850.948.6294 or email
Wetland Mitigation Process Explained
Often times, natural wetlands are impacted when areas are being developed. Our government has a policy of “no net loss” to prevent the loss or degradation of wetlands. In an effort to offset damage to wetlands, a system has developed by which impacts can be “mitigated” off-site. This is done by conducting various restoration practices to approved wetlands and surrounding areas as close to the development as possible.
When such wetland impacts are caused by government entities, the mitigation is usually performed on government conservation land through restoring natural hydrology and vegetation.
Private mitigation “banks” are approved, privately-owned lands set up for the same purpose, offering credits for sale to the private sector. Wetland impacts are measured and matched to certain practices that, when installed, are considered sufficient remediation for the impact.